Izihlungi ze-Atlas Copco & Kaesor Oil

Incazelo emfushane:

I-Airpull yenza isihlungi somoya esithembekile, Isihlungi sikawoyela kanye nesihlukanisi samafutha omoya sama-Air Compressors afana ne-Almig, Alup, Atlas Copco, CompAir, Fusheng, Gardner Denver, Hitachi, Ingesoll Rand, Kaeser, Kobelco, LiuTech, Mann, Quincy, Sullair, Worthington kanye amanye amabhrendi amakhulu.

Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

Omaka bomkhiqizo

Senziwe nge-American HV ultra-fine glass fiber noma i-Korean Ahlstrom pure wood pulp filter paper, lesi sihlungi se-Atlas Copco screw air compressor esizinikele siyakwazi ukuhlunga ngokunembile nangempumelelo ukungcola.Ifaneleka kakhulu, futhi ihlala isikhathi eside uma isetshenziswa.Uhlaka lwayo olugoqwe umshini wokugoqa ozenzakalelayo wohlobo lwesikulufa luvumela ukusebenza kahle kokuhlunga okunezinga eliphezulu lokugeleza.Ngaphandle kwalokho, ikepisi lesihlungi lisebenzisa ipuleti lensimbi elinezinki eliphezulu, elinikela ekusebenzeni kobufakazi bokugqwala nokuqina.Ngenxa yokuqina okuphelele kanye nobuchwepheshe bokumboza ngempushana obuthuthukile, igobolondo lesihlungi linendawo ebushelelezi nekhanyayo.

Isihlungi Samafutha Ingxenye No. Ingxenye ye-AIRPULL No.
1513 0337 00 AO 076 126
1613 6105 00/90 AO 096 212
1625 7525 00 AO 096 212/3
1614 7273 00/99 AO 108 260
1621 7378 00 AO 135 302/1
1622 3142 00 96 300 08 175
1622 5072 00/80 96 300 08 175
1613 9357 82 96 300 08 175
1622 3652 00 96 300 08 340
1613 9370 83 96 300 08 340
1619 6227 00 AO 096 140
1614 8747 00 AO 096 140
1621 8750 00 AO 135 302
1202 8040 021202 8040 92 AO 096 212/4
1202 8040 92 AO 096 212/4
2914 8307 00 96 300 11 118


Amagama Ahlobene

Ukususwa Kwamafutha Okugcoba |Imikhiqizo Yokuhlunga Kwezimboni |Isihlungi se-Solid Particle

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