I-Ingersoll Rarad Arators ye-oyile

I-Ingersoll Rarad Allitors yeoyile ye-oyile yahlula umfanekiso
  • I-Ingersoll Rarad Arators ye-oyile
  • I-Ingersoll Rarad Arators ye-oyile
  • I-Ingersoll Rarad Arators ye-oyile
  • I-Ingersoll Rarad Arators ye-oyile
  • I-Ingersoll Rarad Arators ye-oyile
  • I-Ingersoll Rarad Arators ye-oyile
  • Inkcazo emfutshane:

    I-Airpullar yenza icebo lokucoca umoya olunokuthenjwa, isihluzo seoyile kunye ne-oyile yeoyile ye-oyile enjenge-almig, i-Alup, i-hisco, i-thellall, i-quech, i-sullair, ezinye iimpawu ezinkulu.

    Iinkcukacha zemveliso

    Iimpawu zeMveliso

    Le randi ye-Intersoll ye-Intrsoll Air compressor enqongopheleyo yokwahlulahlulahlulahlulahlulahlulahlula i-ultra - i-fiber yeglasi ye-Ultra yenziwa yinkampani yaseMelika ye-HV okanye inkampani yeLydall. Yenzelwe ukususa ubuncinci i-99.9% yemixokelelwane yeoyile enomoya onomoya oxinzelelweyo. Ukongeza, icandelo elitsha elitsha elizalisekayo eliza kunye namandla aphezulu axhotyisiweyo, lisetyenziselwa ukuvumela ukwahlulwa ukuba lisebenze ngesiqhelo nangaphantsi kobushushu obungaphezulu kwe-120 ℃.

    Kwakhona, olu hlobo lokwahlulahlulahlulahlulahlula lungaphandle okanye lwakhiwe-luhlobo. Malunga neminyaka engama-20 yamava okuvelisa, inkampani yethu iqhelene namawaka eetekhnoloji yemveliso. Oko kukuthi, sinokubonelela ngenkonzo ye-oEM yenqanaba eliphezulu. Sinokuyila umahluko osetyenziselwa i-screw Air Traistressor yoMoya, umzekelo, iAtlas Copco, Sullair, i-SUSDE, ithelekiswa, njl. Njl.


    Le mveliso isebenzisa i-micron ye-micron fiber yokwahlula ioyile enomtsalane kwi-ofisi ecinezelweyo. Emva koko i-oyile enkulu ye-oyile i-coaleds kwioyile enkulu iya kuqokelelwa phantsi kwempembelelo yomsindo. Okokugqibela, ioyile eqokelelweyo iya kubuyela kumgca weoyile ye-compressor. Kule meko, le mali yokwahlulwa kwemini inciphisa ukusetyenziswa kweoyile ye-compressor yomoya.


    I-1. I-Lot yoThengiso loThengiso loThengiso: ≤0.02 MPA

    I-2. Umxholo weoyile emva kokwahlulwa: ≤5 PPM

    3. Kwimeko apho uxinzelelo alunayo i-0.1MPA, umakhi weoyile unokusetyenziswa kangangeyure ezingama-4,000.

    I-tesk:Ezi paramitha zingasentla zifunyanwa phantsi kwemiqathango yoxinzelelo lokusebenza oluhlawulelweyo kunye nokuhamba okukhulu. Ngaphandle koko, ubushushu obuphezulu abukho ngaphezulu kwe-120 ℃. Kunye neoyile ye-dah ye-dah ilawulwa yi-GB / T7631.9-1997 isetyenzisiwe. Ngaphambi kokuzahlula, umxholo weoyile awusekho ngaphezulu kwe-3000mpm.

    Inxalenye yoqobo I-Airpull Inxalenye
    22388045 AA 096 212
    I-54720735 AA 135 177
    I-54749247 AA 135 302/1/1
    I-54595442 I-96 600 17 160
    I-39831885 I-96 600 17 160
    398318888 I-96 610 17 226
    42545368 I-96 610 17 226
    I-39751391 I-96 600 176 216
    I-54749247 AA 135 302/1/1
    22242606 AA 135 302/1/1
    I-9275468888 I-96 600 1730
    I-39895610 I-96 600 20 150
    I-22089551 I-96 600 20 150
    I-92754696 I-96 600 17 267
    I-39737473 I-96 600 22 253
    I-92871326 I-96 600 22 253
    I-46501073 I-96 600 22 253
    4284123939 I-96 613 22 355
    I-39831904 I-96 613 22 355
    36876472 I-96 613 22 355
    42542928 I-96 613 22 355
    I-3989459888 I-96 613 22 355
    I-39863857 I-96 600 22 355
    I-39894597 9610 27 190 190
    I-92722750 I-96 600 22 306
    I-54601513 I-96 600 27 190
    I-54601513 I-96 600 27 190
    I-42862077 I-96 600 27 190
    42841247 I-96 613 30 455
    I-39739578 I-96 613 30 455
    39831912 I-96 613 30 455
    I-39863865 I-96 613 30 455
    I-54509427 I-96 600 27 428
    I-1548596 I-96 600 27 428
    99277998 I-96 600 27 428
    I-22086789 I-96 600 27 429
    23566938 I-96 600 27 465
    23545841 I-96 600 451
    22219174 I-96 600 35 470
    I-15487200 I-96 600 35 470
    I-39831920 I-9610 342
    I-3976059090 I-9610 342
    I-39863899 I-9610 342
    I-54509500 I-96 600 35 414
    I-39890660 I-96 410 445
    I-892857779 I-96 600 27 308
    I-54509435 I-96 600 47 465
    I-39863881 I-96 600 47 465
    I-15488604 I-96 600 47 465
    I-38008579/5639794 I-96 600 17 280
    I-38008587 I-96 600 24 210
    I-54639802 I-96 600 24 210
    I-39863840 I-96 600 17 275
    8920222 I-96 600 27 305
    22402242 I-96 910 22 330
    I-54721345 I-96 600 27 250
    22111975 I-96 600 27 250
    I-89285761 I-96 600 27 501
    I-92765783 I-96 600 30 501
    I-88181755 I-96 600 30 501
    I-92699198 9610 27 250
    I-920622132 I-96 610 40 620
    I-46853107 AA 135 302 / 1h
    23716475 I-96 600 27 188
      I-96 600 27 435
    23782386 I-96 600 29 430

    a fa

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    I-Centrifugal oyile yeoyile | I-Rostresressor yeCorwressor iCossions | I-Air Travressor Shssor

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